With over 60% of Queensland in drought and no rain in sight, Queensland farmers need a Christmas miracle. In-lieu of a miracle or rain, GrowthOps Brisbane has created – RainDear – an initiative to help raise awareness and fundsfor farmers in need at Christmas time.
So instead of presents, GrowthOps Brisbane are distributing ‘RainDear’ antlers to their clients this Christmas, along with donations to Rural Aid to help with stock feed and water for drought or fire affected communities.
The team is also giving 250 head hours and their soft office hands, volunteering at the Rural Aid warehouse at Acacia Ridge, Queensland.
With over 50% of the GrowthOps Brisbane team having grown up in rural Queensland or with family still living there, the cause holds extra special meaning for the team.

Rockhampton born and bred, GrowthOps Brisbane General Manager, Priscilla Jeha, has experienced first-hand the heartache and pressures drought causes in regional areas.
“With drought and fires devastating so many Queenslanders this festive season, we thought our clients wouldn’t mind if we gave the money to people who really needed it this Christmas,” Priscilla said.
“RainDear is the least we could do. It’s an idea from the heart for the heartland, and a way for all of our staff to genuinely help.
“The silly season often sees agencies spend big on gifts for clients, but we believe RainDear is this year’s most thoughtful gift.”
You can learn more here.